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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Precisely about 2pm Nigerian time,i sat in my room reading my book on the Historical evolution of languages when i had a blast from outside.I thought maybe it was a car tyre that burst so i didn't mind then seconds later my roommate ran inside bolting the door shouting "armed robbers!armed robbers!".It was then i ran to my balcony and lo and behold there was a corpse lying on the ground with blood gushing from his head.The Okada men were busy on their heels so as not to get implicated,a lady was wailing and students were rushing to the scene to have a look.
About 20minutes later,our school's security department arrived and instead of coming with an ambulance ,they stood there asking one stupid question after the other.Perhaps if the guy was stil in coma,he would have had the chance to survive but no,everyone stood watching.Even when the Police department came,they still were making arguments.
What am i trying to say u might want to ask.Nigeria's security is starting from we the individuals.
1) When the assassins or cultists whoever they may be came,why didn't the Okada men who were at the scene of the crime raise an alarm or probably chase the culprits?
2) Where was an ambulance incase the guy was in coma when one was needed?
These are the questions i need answers to!

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