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Friday, August 3, 2012

How to solve problems in Nigeria by Elnathan John

I saw this on his blog and need you guys to read this:
Nigeria is a great
country with great
hustling people. With
every hustle come
challenges that must be
surmounted. We have
perfected the art of
keeping our decaying
house erect, albeit with
the occasional smoke
and stench coming out
the windows. We are
problem solvers. This
article is a general guide
for new Nigerians,
foreigners who have
just moved in to Nigeria,
Nigerians who have just
moved back from
foreign lands, and
idealistic Nigerians who
live abroad.
Ask God for help. Now,
it doesn’t matter if you
are religious or if you
have one of those new
religions not recognised
by our law. We have one
general god -- the
Nigerian god -- to whom
all solutions are
outsourced. Ask for his
help in choosing leaders;
in changing leaders; in
wanting PHCN to
provide electricity for
that match because
your generator is bad; in
wanting fuel tanker
drivers not to go on
strike; in wanting roads;
in wanting bombs to
stop; in wanting
corruption to stop; and
in wanting to keep our
country one. This is the
first necessary,
sometimes most
important, step.
Create a committee.
Ministries, Departments
and Agencies of
government are of no
use in solving problems.
Once a specific problem
has been identified --
for example, the
presence of too many
people selling boiled
maize and groundnuts
on the streets -- create
a specific committee to
tackle this issue. In the
case of this example,
the committee would
have two sub
committees, one for
boiled maize, and the
other for boiled
groundnuts. Then when
that committee is done,
create a committee to
implement the report of
the first committee.
Create multiple
solutions. So, if as a
government official you
have a problem with
your public image, in
spite of having a
department of Media
and Publicity, create a
new department to
handle the problem. Call
it Public Image Affairs
department or
something like that.
The more agencies
attack a problem, the
better. Never try to fix
the inefficiency of an
agency of public
institution. Always
create a new body. So,
if the crime division of
the Nigerian Police Force
is inefficient,
underfunded, unskilled,
and corrupt, do not
fund, train or discipline
them. Create a fresh
body, like the ICPC or
EFCC. There is nothing
like fresh ideas in trying
to solve a problem.
When you have a big
problem like terrorism,
especially when our
dear President confirms
that some of the
terrorists are in the
Police, you must look
for solutions outside
our diligent Police Force.
Think of something
smart. Like one brand
new Police Force for
each financially
dependent state. No,
we will not scrap the
Federal one. They will
exist side by side. Think
of how many people’s
hustles will be blessed
when you embark on
this project. New
uniforms, new jobs,
new cars with sirens,
new guns. A new militia
for every governor
blessed with
constitutional immunity.
I mean, governors
won’t need to have side
armies and gangs
funded in the dark
anymore. Think of it
this way; when
indigenes fill up the new
State Police, terrorism,
bombing, corruption,
and kidnapping will
vanish. Don’t ask what
will happen when
indigenes and non-
indigenes fight and the
State Police is called to
keep the peace. God will
not let that happen.
Never mind that there
are wicked people who
will come up with
arguments like states
already having problems
paying civil servants,
and governors already
having state legislators
in their pockets. In fact,
I overheard some evil
guy suggest that some
governors might fill up
their state police with
people from their tribe
or religion, thereby
creating complications
and mistrust in cases
of communal, religious
or ethnic clashes. God
will judge that guy. He
doesn’t understand
that to solve the
problem of an
inefficient Police Force,
you need 36 others. He
doesn’t understand the
power of numbers.
When a problem won’t
go away or is too big,
divert it or postpone it.
This reduces the
pressure of the
problem. So, for
example, if you have a
problem of poverty,
which results in slums
and shanty towns,
instead of wasting time
and energy on things
like resettlement,
development, low-cost
housing or creating jobs,
do something effective,
like demolition. Clear out
the slums and let the
poor people who want
to give our country a
bad name find
somewhere else to call
a slum. Demolition is
also very effective if
your predecessors in
government have
turned a blind eye and
allowed people to build
in unapproved areas.
Demolition covers a
multitude of sins.
When there are
problems and you are in
government, you must
never allow anything to
stop you from travelling
out of the country.
Travelling is very
important because it
gives you time to
breathe, shop, and learn
from other countries.
But if you really want to
solve problems
effectively in Nigeria,
you have to outsource
them. There are things
that the Nigerian god
prefers not to handle.
Not that he cannot
handle them, but you
see, he is clean and
doesn’t like to dance in
murky waters. For
example, if you need to
convict or arrest
powerful people who
have brazenly
committed crimes,
outsource it to a nice
foreign country. I mean,
the British used us as a
colony to get resources,
why can’t we use them
to get justice? Tit for
tat. Anyone who
doesn’t like it should go
choke on cassava bread.
All good people know
that justice for
Nigerians is Nigerian
justice, whether made
in London or
God bless your hustle
and make it problem-

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