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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Let us all Matilda Orhwere

Television programmes that showcase detailed investigative work being carried out by police have revealed that success recorded in many of the cases involve the active participation of members of the public. The police are human and they are not exempt from human errors.

The success of the police will be a boost in securing the lives and property of members of the community. For security, certain law enforcement agents are allowed to handle fire-power like guns. Predators also attack members of the public wielding guns. Guns are not entirely untraceable; and a man who owns and uses guns will be known within the community where he resides.

Members of the public are being encouraged to take interest in community policing to support the work of the police and to bring about a sense of security and ease in co-existing within the community. The contribution of members of the public may not involve their having to wield guns.

The effort of the police will be complemented with prompt contributions of helpful information by members of the public. In the past, people reported being exposed to men of violence by bad eggs within the system of the police. Corruption in the police is not peculiar to the Nigerian Police Force; it is a universal issue.

Thankfully, social media provides the platform for sharing information that would help the police in investigations. It will now be the responsibility of the police to sieve genuine tips from pranks and follow the leads provided.

One or two cases have been successfully resolved using information from CCTVs. It is high time people started considering installing cameras in their homes, their small businesses, taxi parks, hospitals, churches/mosques, schools and every location that members of the public actively utilise.

The presence of cameras in people’s compounds, fences or gates could serve in resolving cases that also affect neighbours. Installing cameras and circulating the notice to that effect will to a large extent discourage criminal minded people from proceeding with any ungodly plans.

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