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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Free and fair election afterall....

In my former blog,i asked if the 2011 elections in Nigeria will lead to a new era or will it the same old story;wel that seemed to reaped fruit as we Nigerians experienced a free and transparent election since 1992(if i am accurate).
On the eve of the election,listening to the news over the radio,ther were news of a bomb blast and i thought to myself maybe we will have to wait another decade to see a free election but then a thought came to me that if we ever want a free election its got to start with us.The election day came and for once Nigerians casted their vote without fear or rancor,the process once transparent and security beefed up(at least more like what see in the movies).I must say it wads then that i knew that we still have civilised citizens in this country.One that struck me was the fact that there were upsets which is good omen for Nigerian democracy.We as Nigerians must congratulate ourselves(at least the international community commended us)apart from a few hiccups like the violence in the north.Also we should commend INEC for a work welldone.Finally,Nigeria can be great again!

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